Markup tools are no longer dependent on microphone privileges

Prior to this update, participants in a session required microphone control to use the markup tools with the Whiteboard and images.

In this update, markup tools are now assigned to participants in a session by default. They do not require the leader or presenter to assign them the microphone to access and use markup tools. This enhancement applies to both the App client and the Modern Express client.

Leaders or presenters can explicitly remove the markup privileges of participants by clicking the new Disable markup tools context menu in the Attendees panel.

Disable markup tools

To enable the markup tools for a participant, leaders can click the Enable markup tools context menu for the participant.

Enable markup tools

If the leader has already disabled the markup tools for a participant and:
  • If the participant is promoted to a presenter, then the markup tool privileges are automatically assigned to the promoted participant.
  • If the presenter is demoted again to a participant, then the markup tool privileges are automatically removed from the demoted participant.

Changes to microphone menu actions

With this enhancement, assigning or removing the microphone control of participants does not assign or remove their Whiteboard markup privileges.

To reflect this change in behavior, the names of existing context menu actions for microphone are changed as follows:
Table 1. Changed context menu action names
Old menu action name New menu action name
Enable Microphone/Markup Tools Enable microphone
Disable Microphone/Markup Tools Disable microphone