Launch App-based Agenda Builder from the Create agendas page

Prior to this update, Content Managers could launch only the legacy Agenda Builder from the Create agendas page in the Management Server. They had no option to launch the App-based Agenda Builder as it could be launched only from inside an event in the App.

This update enhances the Create agendas page in the Management Server such that Content Managers can now launch only the App-based Agenda Builder instead of the legacy Agenda Builder from this page using the new Launch Agenda Builder button. With this enhancement, you can create an agenda independent of an event; that is, you no longer need to launch an event first to open the Agenda Builder.

Important: The legacy Agenda Builder has been deprecated in this update. You can no longer launch the legacy Agenda Builder from the Management Server to create a new agenda. However, if you already have it installed, then you can continue to access it as before. If you have built an agenda using the legacy Agenda Builder and saved it as a .SAZ file, then you can open the agenda using the App-based Agenda Builder and edit it.
Figure 1. Launch App-based Agenda Builder from the Create Agenda page

Clicking the Launch Agenda Builder button opens the App-based Agenda Builder and displays the Welcome page.

Figure 2. App-based Agenda Builder Welcome page

Click the Add button to add the required agenda contents and then click the Export button to export and save the agenda locally.

Note: If the App-based Agenda Builder remains inactive for 60 minutes, then it displays a warning message for 60 seconds with a Continue button. Click Continue to continue working on your current agenda. If you do not take any action, then the App-based Agenda Builder proceeds with the logout after 60 seconds. Before logging you out, the current agenda is saved in the local Cornerstone Classroom directory and the Agenda Builder session closes automatically.