Enhanced markup toolbar for AppShare

Prior to this release, there were some inconsistencies while displaying the flyout menu of the markup toolbar during AppShare and using the expanded AppShare frame.

This release enhances the markup toolbar during AppShare such that the markup toolbar is now displayed in an embedded panel of the expanded AppShare frame.

When you click the markup icon in the expanded AppShare frame, the markup toolbar is displayed between the audio-video options and the gestures toolbar. The markup toolbar is hidden when you exit the markup mode. See illustrations below.

Figure 1. Markup toolbar icon in expanded AppShare frame
Markup toolbar icon in expanded AppShare frame
Figure 2. Embedded Markup toolbar in expanded AppShare frame
Embedded Markup toolbar in expanded AppShare frame
Figure 3. Markup toolbar action menu in expanded AppShare frame
Markup toolbar action menu in expanded AppShare frame
Note: The behavior of the mini AppShare toolbar remains unaffected with this change.