Changes to legacy Agenda Builder and Recording Studio launch workflow

With the deprecation of TLS 1.0, the CMS links for Create Agenda and Create Recording will no longer function. Therefore, this update changes the launch behavior for the legacy Agenda Builder and Recording Studio in CMS such that the links can function smoothly without TLS 1.0.

Note: Currently, the enhanced launch workflow for both, Agenda Builder and Recording Studio, is only supported on Windows (version 7 and 10). For Mac, the launch workflow is not supported and so the links to download and install both, Agenda Builder and Recording Studio, are not displayed.

When you click the Create agenda menu under Content manager, the following enhanced page appears.

Figure 1. Legacy Agenda Builder launch page changes
Legacy Agenda Builder launch page changes
The page provides information about the availability of Agenda Builder in the Cornerstone Classroom app client.
Note: Saba intends to discontinue support for the legacy Agenda Builder sometime soon. Therefore, it is recommended to migrate users from the legacy Agenda Builder to the App-based Agenda Builder. For more details, contact Saba support.

When you click the Create recording menu under Content manager, the following enhanced page appears.

Figure 2. Legacy Recording Studio launch page changes
Legacy Recording Studio launch page changes
Note: Saba intends to discontinue support for the legacy Recording Studio sometime soon. For more details, contact Saba support.

To launch either the legacy Agenda Builder or Recording Studio client, follow the on-screen instructions.

  • If you have already installed the client, then click the "launch it here" link.

    Based on your browser, you can take the necessary action as follows:

    • IE and Edge directly launches the client
    • FireFox prompts you to open the client
    • Chrome prompts you to save the .cccf file, which you can then open to launch the client
  • Else, download the .exe file and install the client.