What's New in Cornerstone Classroom 8.5.9

This release for Cornerstone Classroom contains the following new features, enhancements, and changes.
Attention: To view and use any new or enhanced client-side features, it is mandatory to upgrade your Cornerstone Classroom client.

Third-party support changes

Functional area: App Client, Server

Type: Enhancement

Applicable to audience: All

Enabled by default?: Yes

Configurable by admin?: No

Configurable by Saba?: Yes


Starting with this release, the following third-party software is supported for Cornerstone Classroom App clients and servers:
Table 1. Third-party support changes
Type of Software Previously supported version New version
Web Server NGINX 1.12.2 NGINX 1.14.2
Java (server) JDK 1.8.0_191 JDK 1.8.0_201
Java (for App client) JRE 1.8.0_191 (bundled with Cornerstone Classroom App) JRE 1.8.0_201 (bundled with Cornerstone Classroom App)

Edge browser support for App client

Functional area: App Client

Type: New feature

Applicable to audience: All

Enabled by default?: Yes

Configurable by admin?: N/A

Configurable by Saba?: N/A


How did it work?

The Cornerstone Classroom App client could be installed and launched on Microsoft Internet Explorer browser version 9, 10, and 11 in a Windows environment.

How does it work now?

This release provides support to install and launch the Cornerstone Classroom App client on Microsoft Edge browser in a Windows 10 environment.

When Cornerstone Classroom App is not installed and Windows Store application is enabled

When you try to attend a Cornerstone Classroom event on the Edge browser for the first time, and if the Cornerstone Classroom App is not installed and Windows Store application is enabled, then the following page appears prompting you to install the Cornerstone Classroom App client first.

Figure 1. When Windows App is enabled
When Windows App is enabled

Click the install the Cornerstone Classroom App here link in the above image and follow the on screen instructions to complete Cornerstone Classroom App installation. After installation is complete, click the Proceed button. Refer to the "When Cornerstone Classroom App is installed" section below for further steps to join an event using Edge browser.

When Cornerstone Classroom App is not installed and Windows Store app is not enabled by Administrator

When you try to attend a Cornerstone Classroom event on the Edge browser for the first time, and if the Cornerstone Classroom App is not installed and Windows Store app is not enabled by your System Administrator, then the following page and dialog box appears, prompting you to install the Cornerstone Classroom App client first.

Figure 2. When Windows App is disabled
When Windows App is disabled

Click the install the Cornerstone Classroom App here link in the above image and follow the on screen instructions to complete Cornerstone Classroom App install. After installation is complete, click the Proceed button. Refer to the "When Cornerstone Classroom App is installed" section below for further steps to join an event using Edge browser.

When Cornerstone Classroom App is installed

When you try to attend a Cornerstone Classroom event on the Edge browser for the first time, and if the Cornerstone Classroom App is pre-installed by an Administrator or using the steps described above or using another browser or using a Cornerstone Classroom App client installer, then you see the following page with a dialog box that prompts you to launch the Cornerstone Classroom App to attend the event. Click Yes to launch the Cornerstone Classroom App to join the event.

Figure 3. When SM App is preinstalled
When SM App is preinstalled
Note: You can separately install the Cornerstone Classroom Edge Connector extension from the Microsoft store if needed, to avoid the Switch Apps dialog box that is displayed every time you attend a Cornerstone Classroom event. Once the Edge extension is installed and enabled, the dialog box will not be displayed. Refer to the online help for instructions to download and install the Cornerstone Classroom Edge Connector extension.

Use Case

Users who have migrated to Microsoft Windows 10, need the ability to launch the Cornerstone Classroom App client on the supported Microsoft Edge browser.

Safari 12 browser support for App client

Functional area: App Client

Type: New feature

Applicable to audience: All

Enabled by default?: Yes

Configurable by admin?: N/A

Configurable by Saba?: N/A


How did it work?

Cornerstone Classroom supported the NPAPI plugins for launching the Cornerstone Classroom App client on Apple Safari browser prior to Safari 12 in a Mac environment.

However, Safari 12 removed support for NPAPI plugins, so the Cornerstone Classroom Java App client could not be launched using Safari 12.

How does it work now?

Starting with Safari 12, Apple has discontinued support for the NPAPI plugins. With this release, Saba is providing a mechanism to install and launch the Cornerstone Classroom App client on Safari 12 without using a browser plugin or extension.

When Cornerstone Classroom App is installed

When users try to attend a Cornerstone Classroom event on the Safari browser and if the Cornerstone Classroom App is already installed, the browser now displays a "Do you want to allow this page to open "Cornerstone Classroom"? prompt.

Clicking Allow launches the Cornerstone Classroom App.

Figure 4. Cornerstone Classroom App install on Safari
Cornerstone Classroom App install on Safari

When Cornerstone Classroom App is not installed

When users try to attend a Cornerstone Classroom event on the Safari browser and if the Cornerstone Classroom App is not installed, the browser displays a page with instructions to download and install the App client. The download should ideally start automatically on launching the event. But if the download does not start, then you can follow the on-screen instructions to proceed with the installation.

Once the installation is complete, click the Continue button to launch the event.

Figure 5. Cornerstone Classroom App download and install on Safari
Cornerstone Classroom App download and install on Safari

Use Case

Users must be able to launch Cornerstone Classroom App using Safari 12 browser.

Cornerstone Classroom Outlook Scheduler enhancements

Functional area: Outlook Scheduler

Type: Enhancement

Applicable to audience: All

Enabled by default?: Yes

Configurable by admin?: N/A

Configurable by Saba?: N/A


How did it work?

When users created Virtual Class events from the Cornerstone Classroom Outlook Scheduler, the URL and Meeting information was not displayed in the appointment body until they saved the event.

How does it work now?

This release allows users to add personal text to the appointment body while creating or editing a Virtual Class event from the Cornerstone Classroom Outlook Scheduler, even before saving the event. The user text remains unaltered after saving the event changes.

The appointment body now displays the following placeholder text below the dotted line before the appointment is saved by the user:

"<Event details will be displayed here upon save. Please add your personal text above line.>"

Figure 6. New appointment body before saving
New appointment body before saving

Once saved, this placeholder text is removed and replaced by the actual event details as illustrated below. The user text remains unchanged.

Figure 7. New appointment body after saving
New appointment body after saving

If you make any changes to the placeholder text, then Cornerstone Classroom is unable to locate and replace the placeholder text with the actual event details.

Note: The Saba account used to login to the Cornerstone Classroom Outlook Scheduler must have the same email address as the one used in Outlook. Inconsistent email addresses can cause enrollment issues. Note that enrollment issues can also occur if there are multiple Saba accounts that have the same email address. In this case, the Cornerstone Classroom Outlook Scheduler will not be able to recognize which account is the one to be enrolled.

Use Case

There is a need to provide clear instructions to users when creating Virtual Class events from the Cornerstone Classroom Outlook Scheduler.

Support for more special characters in event names

Functional area: Browser client

Type: Enhancement

Applicable to audience: All

Enabled by default?: Yes

Configurable by admin?: N/A

Configurable by Saba?: N/A


How did it work?

Events created in Cornerstone Classroom did not support the following special characters in event names:

# & < > [ ] ( ) , : ? ^ ` ~ " | ; $ "

How does it work now?

With this release, events created in Cornerstone Classroom now support the following special characters in event names:

~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = { } [ ] | \ : " ; ' < > ? , . /

With this change, users can perform the following for events with supported special characters:
  • Create events
  • Enroll users and modify enrollments for such events
  • View special characters in all email notifications involving such events
  • Manage recordings for such events
  • Record events
  • Load client successfully for such events
  • For an event containing | (pipe) in its name, when a user downloads the text chat report, the |(pipe) character is replaced by _(underscore) character in the event name in the report.
  • For an event containing ' (single quote) and " (double quote) in its name, when a user downloads the text chat report, these characters are not displayed in the event name in the report.
  • While previewing event emails by clicking the Preview link, some special characters are removed from the event name due to security reasons.
  • Events or meetings containing ' (single quote) in the event name are not returned in the search results when the 'Exact Match' field is not selected.
  • Events or meetings having * (asterisk) in the event name are not returned in the search result because * is used as a wild card character in search filter.
  • ASCII characters are displayed in the event or meeting name inside the App client media window panel if the name contains <script> (JavaScript snippet) in it.

Use Case

Events created in Cornerstone Classroom must be able to support more special characters to accommodate organizational requirements and to be consistent with events created in Cornerstone Saba.