What's New in Cornerstone Classroom 8.5.6
Third-party support changes
Functional area: App Client, Servers
Type: Enhancement
Applicable to audience: All
Enabled by default?: Yes
Configurable by admin?: No
Configurable by Saba?: Yes
Type of Software | Previously supported version | New version |
Java (for App client) | JRE 1.8.0_151 (bundled with Cornerstone Classroom App) | JRE 1.8.0_161 (bundled with Cornerstone Classroom App) |
Java (for server) | JDK 1.8.0_151 | JDK 1.8.0_162 |
Application Server | Apache Tomcat 8.0.42 (installed and configured by the Cornerstone Classroom installer) | Apache Tomcat 8.5.27 (installed and configured by the Cornerstone Classroom installer) |
Web Server | NGINX 1.10.1 | NGINX 1.10.2 |
Enhanced user interface
Functional area: App Client, Browser Client
Type: Enhancement
Applicable to audience: All
Enabled by default?: Yes
Configurable by admin?: No
Configurable by Saba?: No
How did it work?
How does it work now?
This release enhances the usability and refreshes the look and feel of Cornerstone Classroom App and Browser client user interface.
- You are attending an event on a Cornerstone Classroom 8.5.6 or later version server. Attending events on servers with earlier versions displays the old Welcome page.
- You have upgraded your Cornerstone Classroom App to version 8.5.6.
- Enhancements for Content components like Welcome page, Polls, Evaluations and Download File page are not client dependent though. They are served from the server, so neither the client nor the client version is relevant. For example, an older App client version that does not have the UI changes can still display the changes for these content components.
- Enhanced color palette from "black/green" to "blue/gray" combination
- Flat buttons bigger fonts for better readability
- Consistent placement of actions, and enhanced spacing between primary and secondary actions for ease of use
- Refreshed icons and better imagery
Some of the major enhancements are listed below with corresponding screen images.
Welcome Page
The Welcome page displays cleaner boxes with fitting text. It now displays only the event name at the top.
New icons for whiteboard tools make it more intuitive.
Breakout Rooms
Enhanced look of radio buttons, numbers and check boxes.
Enhanced color scheme and icons for playback view.
The enhanced Agenda view provides easy access to agenda items. The agenda view displays enhanced icons for various agenda items and different folder colors.
Clean and fresh look of polls for both leaders and participants make them very usable.
Enhanced color scheme and flat buttons for Settings dialog box.
Alert/Error/Warning Messages
Enhanced style elements for alert, error and warning message dialog boxes.
AppShare view
AppShare view is enhanced to include the new style and color elements. See the AppShare toolbar image below.
Support for Roboto font
The App and Browser clients now use the Roboto font instead of multiple fonts used earlier. This ensures text consistency throughout the user interface.
The font is made available as part of the App download, so users do not need to install the font separately.
Evaluations created with the App-based Agenda Builder in this update have a larger default font size than the evaluations created using the legacy Agenda Builder. If you want legacy evaluations to display in the new UI format, then it is recommended you recreate them using the new App-based Agenda Builder.
Use Case
There is a need to improve the user interface of Cornerstone Classroom App and Browser clients making it more attractive, intuitive and easy-to-use.
App-based Agenda Builder enhancements
Functional area: App Client
Type: Enhancement
Applicable to audience: Leader, Presenter, Co-Presenter
Enabled by default?: Yes
Configurable by admin?: No
Configurable by Saba?: No
How did it work?
Prior to this release, the Agenda Builder in Cornerstone Classroom App provided limited set of features.
How does it work now?
- Provides the option to add folders to the root node of an agenda. To
add folder to an agenda content, click Add Content > Build an
Agenda > Add > Folder.
The Add Folder dialog box appears. Specify a folder name and click OK.
Use Case
There is a need to enhance the ability to prepare content regardless of a browser without requiring install beyond App install.
Text chat enhancements
Functional area: Text Chat, App client, Browser client
Type: Enhancement
Applicable to audience: Leader, Presenter, Participant
Enabled by default?: Yes
Configurable by admin?: No
Configurable by Saba?: No
How did it work?
- Ability to clear all text chat messages in the chat panel
- Ability to delete a specific text chat message
- Ability to wrap long words and URLs. They resulted into horizontal scroll bars in the chat window.
How does it work now?
This release enhances the text chat in Cornerstone Classroom App and Browser clients to provide the following options:
Clear all Messages
Leaders and presenters can clear all text chat messages in the chat panel.
To clear all text chat, right-click anywhere in the text chat panel and click the Clear all messages option. Cornerstone Classroom displays a confirmation dialog box. If you confirm, then all text chat is cleared.
Delete a Message
Leaders and presenters can selectively delete any specific text chat message in the chat panel. However, participants can only delete a chat message they have entered. They cannot delete someone else's message.
To delete a specific text chat message, right-click on the particular message in the text chat panel and click the Delete message option. Cornerstone Classroom displays a confirmation dialog box. If you confirm, then the selected text chat message is deleted.
Wrapping of long Words and URLs
Long words and URLs are now wrapped to fit the horizontal width of the text chat panel.
Use Case
Leaders and presenters need to remove text chat and start fresh in a session. For example, they may need to clear all chat after completing the introductions of all session attendees. They also need to see all messages without scrolling horizontally. Similarly, participants also need to delete their own chat messages.
Enhanced usability for AppShare
Functional area: AppShare, Client
Type: Enhancement
Applicable to audience: All
Enabled by default?: Yes
Configurable by admin?: No
Configurable by Saba?: No
How did it work?
Prior to this update, the "You are now sharing..." message workflow for AppShare was not intuitive to end users who had not used AppShare anytime before. Additionally, the participants felt that their screen was being shared already and did not know they had to dismiss the message before proceeding.
How does it work now?
With this release, the AppShare usability is enhanced such that the person who is launching AppShare and who is viewing the shared screen is now displayed more intuitive messages.
If the person shares the entire Desktop, then a popup dialog box with a confirmation message "Are you sure you want to share your desktop?" is shown.
If the person shares a particular application, then a popup dialog box with a confirmation message "Are you sure you want to share the application <application_name>?" is shown.
- "Don't show this message again"
If this check box is selected, then this dialog box is not displayed on subsequent shares by the person.
When AppShare is started, participants are displayed "Viewing <firstname lastname>'s screen" message on top of their screen. This indicates who is currently sharing.
Use Case
There is a need to minimize the confusion of users when sharing the application by providing intuitive messages.
Enhanced AppShare for systems with high DPI (Win10) displays
Functional area: AppShare, Client
Type: Enhancement
Applicable to audience: All
Enabled by default?: Yes
Configurable by admin?: No
Configurable by Saba?: No
How did it work?
When a Windows 10 (Win10) client used AppShare, all other clients were able to view only partial AppShare. This was happening because for high DPI displays, Win10 would automatically adjust the Display Scaling Setting. This scaling caused the Cornerstone Classroom App or Browser client to capture a smaller image than what was shared.
How does it work now?
This release fixes the discrepancy between the "virtual" size of the screen and the "physical" size in pixels of the display for high DPI (Win10) displays. Now the Cornerstone Classroom App or Browser client launched in dpiAware mode so AppSharing from such systems handles the scaling differences.
The Microsoft APIs that handle Win10 screen scaling now return the physical size instead of the virtual size, which allow capturing of all pixels and send them.
However, the size of the screen share is now 2400x1350 rather than 1920x1080, providing more bandwidth. Also, the image is now 125% bigger when the receiving client is in 1:1 mode.
Use Case
AppShare should work properly with systems with high-DPI (Win10) displays.
Remove purged Cornerstone Saba users from Cornerstone Classroom
Functional area: Client
Type: Enhancement
Applicable to audience: All
Enabled by default?: Yes
Configurable by admin?: No
Configurable by Saba?: No
How did it work?
For a Cornerstone Saba and Cornerstone Classroom integration, after a terminated user was purged in Cornerstone Saba, if the corresponding user existed in Cornerstone Classroom, then the user was not removed from Cornerstone Classroom.
How does it work now?
This update provides the ability to remove user accounts from Cornerstone Classroom when the corresponding users are purged in Cornerstone Saba.
- Purge API for Cornerstone Saba (For users with Cornerstone Saba on integrated
This internal API deletes and obfuscates a user's personal information. It does not delete the purged user's existing meetings and recordings but only obfuscates the name of the "Room for UserName" or My Room or Meet Now meeting.
- Delete API for Cornerstone Saba (For users with Cornerstone Saba on integrated
This internal API deletes a terminated Cornerstone Saba user from the Cornerstone Classroom database. It does not delete the user's existing meetings and recordings but only obfuscates the name of the "Room for UserName" or My Room or Meet Now meeting. The names of deleted participants are not obfuscated from Cornerstone Classroom recordings and chat logs.
- Purge API for (standalone) Cornerstone Classroom users
This public REST API is available to standalone Cornerstone Classroom users (not integrated with Cornerstone Saba) to delete and purge user's personal information. This API deletes all meetings, contents and recordings of the user as well.
For more details, refer to New REST API to Purge an existing Cornerstone Classroom user.
Differences between Cornerstone Classroom standalone and Cornerstone Saba-Cornerstone Classroom integrated API behavior
- The delete behavior remain the same for Cornerstone Classroom. For Cornerstone Saba, the API performs a soft delete for the user and retains the user's existing meetings and recordings.
- Purge behavior is mostly the same for SM and SC, except that for Cornerstone Saba, the name of the "Meet Now" event used for the SC user's "room" is obfuscated. That event currently contains the user's name (e.g., "Room for Joe Smith"), and it is obfuscated by a <PURGE_STRING>.
This update also provides auditing of the purge action. The audit trail indicates who performed the purge action on a user, irrespective of whether the purge was performed via UI or APIs.
Use Case
When a user is purged in Cornerstone Saba, if the corresponding user exists in Cornerstone Classroom, then that user must be automatically removed from Cornerstone Classroom.
New REST API to Purge an existing Cornerstone Classroom user
Functional area: Client
Type: Enhancement
Applicable to audience: All
Enabled by default?: Yes
Configurable by admin?: No
Configurable by Saba?: No
How did it work?
How does it work now?
This update introduces the following new API to purge existing Cornerstone Classroom users.
Deletes and purges an existing Cornerstone Classroom user based on the user's GUID. It returns code 204 (No Content), if the purge is successful. The Purge API deletes a user in the Cornerstone Classroom database and obfuscates their personal information.
Requires OAuth
- ?forceDelete=true, then query param in the API URL is required when purging a user from Cornerstone Classroom, which has not been deleted. The Purge API requires a user to be deleted before their personal information is obfuscated.
- ?forceDelete=false, then query param in the API URL
generates the following error if the user is not deleted previously:
"error": [ { "message": "User with id ' 0000387c403600000162bb2b5b2881ea' must be deleted before can be removed", "code": 1312 ... } ]
Calling Options
Name | Description | Sample Value | Data Type | Required? |
GUID | The GUID of the Cornerstone Classroom user |
0000387c403600000162bb2b5b2881ea |
string | Yes |
ACCEPT: application/xml or application/json
Use Case
Audit changes to users, events and properties
Functional area: Server
Type: Enhancement
Applicable to audience: Meeting Administrator
Enabled by default?: Yes
Configurable by admin?: No
Configurable by Saba?: No
How did it work?
Cornerstone Classroom administrators could not track and view details related to any changes done to users, events and domain properties.
How does it work now?
- AuditThis tab displays audit entries for the following type of changes:
- Updates to domain properties
- Deletion of events
- Deletion of users
- Purging of users
Depending on the number of audit entries, they can span across multiple pages. You can set the number of entries displayed per page by specifying a value in the Show Per Page field.
The Type column indicates the type of change while the Reason column optionally describes the reason why the change was made.
Administrators can even download the complete audit log for offline viewing by clicking the Download All Audit Data link.
Note: Cornerstone Classroom users with Cornerstone Saba on integrated environments do not have access to the Audit tab on the Manage Domains page. To retrieve the audit information, submit a request. For details, contact Saba support.
Use Case
Administrators need to see changes to users, events and properties for audit purpose.