Configure markup tool sizes

Leaders and co-presenters can configure the markup tool sizes for Laser Pointer, Named Arrow, Star, Check Mark, X Mark, and Smiley markup objects only. They can choose between three sizes: Small, Medium, and Large for the icon images drawn on the Whiteboard. The default size is Medium.

As shown in the following figure, leaders can adjust the size using a size selector located at the bottom of the markup tool menu. Selecting a different size from the menu, changes the size of all applicable markup icons drawn on the Whiteboard. Changing the size of the tool affects all users in the session, such that all users see the same size whiteboard icons. If more than one presenter changes the icon size setting, then the latest icon size setting is used for the icons on the Whiteboard.

Figure 1. Markup tool size selection
Markup tool size selection
Figure 2. Markup tool size selection
Markup tool size selection

The following table indicates the different sizes of the markup tools.

Table 1. Markup tool sizes
Tool Size Icon Size Sample Image


20 x 20 pixels


40 x 40 pixels


60 x 60 pixels

Default text font size

The default text font size is set to 24.

Figure 3. Change in default font size
Change in default font size