Identify Mobile and Express client participants

Users can attend a Cornerstone Classroom event from clients other than the App client, such as Express client and Mobile client. The Attendees panel in the App displays such users using different visual indicators so they are easily distinguished from the App users.

For Express client users, the Attendees panel in the App displays the name of such participants in an italicized font. If a leader or co-presenter right clicks an Express client user in the Attendees panel, then the menu displays a title bar with the words "Express client". This allows the leader or co-presenter to know that they cannot promote the user to a co-presenter because the user is using the Express client.

Figure 1. Express client user in the Attendees panel
Express client user in the Attendees panel
For Mobile client users, the Attendees panel in the App displays a mobile icon in front of the display names of participants to indicate that the participants are attending the session from mobile clients.
Note: The mobile icon is not displayed in the Express client's Attendees panel.
Figure 2. Mobile client user in the Attendees panel
Mobile client user in the Attendees panel