Display agenda content

As an event presenter, you can define the mode (full-screen or normal) for participants to view agenda content or a shared application. The settings apply to the main and breakout rooms.

Figure 1. Session settings
Session settings
Note: Participants can refuse these changes and continue using their preferred view mode.

To set full-screen mode view settings for participants:

  1. In the right-hand corner of the top menu, click the Settings () icon.
  2. In the Settings window, click the Session menu option.
  3. Select the required display setting from:
    • Set display to normal for all
    • Set display to full screen for all
  4. Optionally, select Ignore display setting set by participants to override participants' display settings.
  5. Click Apply Settings.

Third-party software requirement to view content

Participants do not need PowerPoint to view the slides. However, the leader or co-presenter importing the presentation must have PowerPoint installed.